O dialog focus, where art thou?

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Here’s a job interview question for you: When you click a button and call the showModal() method to open a modal <dialog>, where does the focus go by default, and how can you move it elsewhere?

Don't know the answer? Neither did I, so I tested it.


macOs 13.4.1 Ventura
Chrome 114
Firefox 115
Safari 16.5.1

Here’s a Codepen with all demos so you can follow along.

Demo 1: Dialog with no interactive element

<button>demo 1</button>

  <h1>Demo 1</h2>
document.addEventListener('click', e => {
  if (e.target.closest('button')) {

Focus is on:

Chrome: dialog
Firefox: body
Safari: body

Demo 2: Dialog with interactive elements

<button>demo 2</button>

  <h1>Demo 2</h2>

  <button>First focusable element</button>
  <a href="#">Last focusable element</a>

Focus is on:

Chrome: first focusable element
Firefox: first focusable element
Safari: first focusable element

Demo 3: Dialog with interactive elements and close button first

<button>demo 3</button>

  <form method="dialog">

  <h1>Demo 3</h2>

  <button>First focusable element</button>
  <a href="#">Last focusable element</a>

Focus is on:

Chrome: close button
Firefox: close button
Safari: first focusable element after close button

Demo 4: Dialog with interactive elements and close button last

<button>demo 4</button>

  <h1>Demo 4</h2>

  <button>First focusable element</button>
  <a href="#">Last focusable element</a>

  <form method="dialog">

Focus is on:

Chrome: first focusable element
Firefox: first focusable element
Safari: first focusable element

Demo 5: Dialog without interactive elements and autofocus on dialog

<button>demo 5</button>

<dialog autofocus>
  <h1>Demo 5</h2>

Focus is on:

Chrome: dialog
Firefox: body
Safari: body

Demo 6: Dialog with interactive elements and autofocus on dialog

<button>demo 6</button>

<dialog autofocus>
  <h1>Demo 6</h2>

  <button>First focusable element</button>
  <a href="#">Last focusable element</a>

Focus is on:

Chrome: first focusable element
Firefox: first focusable element
Safari: first focusable element

Demo 7: Dialog with autofocus on last interactive element

<button>demo 7</button>

  <h1>Demo 7</h2>

  <button>First focusable element</button>
  <a href="#" autofocus>Last focusable element</a>

Focus is on:

Chrome: last focusable element
Firefox: last focusable element
Safari: last focusable element

Okay, so far, so inconsistent. The specs says “The tabindex attribute must not be specified on dialog elements.”.

I won't do what you tell me.

– Rage Against the Machine

Demo 8: Dialog with tabindex and no interactive element

<button>demo 8</button>

<dialog tabindex="-1">
  <h1>Demo 8</h2>

Focus is on:

Chrome: dialog
Firefox: dialog
Safari: dialog

Demo 9: Dialog with tabindex and interactive elements

<button>demo 9</button>

<dialog tabindex="-1">
  <h1>Demo 9</h2>

  <button>First focusable element</button>
  <a href="#">Last focusable element</a>

Focus is on:

Chrome: first focusable element
Firefox: first focusable element
Safari: first focusable element

Demo 10: Dialog with tabindex, autofocus, and interactive elements

<button>demo 10</button>

<dialog tabindex="-1" autofocus>
  <h1>Demo 10</h2>

  <button>First focusable element</button>
  <a href="#">Last focusable element</a>

Chrome: first focusable element
Firefox: first focusable element
Safari: first focusable element

Demo 11: Dialog with tabindex, focus(), and interactive elements

<button>demo 11</button>

<dialog tabindex="-1">
  <h1>Demo 11</h2>

  <button>First focusable element</button>
  <a href="#">Last focusable element</a>

Focus is on:

Chrome: dialog
Firefox: dialog
Safari: dialog


The answer is: It depends. It depends on several factors:

There was a lot of discussion on how browsers should handle focus in modal dialogs. They finally concluded and summarized the rules in the spec earlier this year. If I read it right, Chrome is the only browser that follows most rules correctly at this point. Other browsers will likely follow soon.

Right now you get the most consistent behaviour when:


: Changed body to first focusable element for Chrome in demo 6 and demo 10. I had experimental web platform features enabled, which changed the current default behaviour.