A blog about web development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web accessibility.

Web Security Basics: XSS

I decided to learn more about areas of web development I don’t know a lot about. You know,…stuff like SEO and web security. I’ll share my findings here on my blog and I’ll try to do as much research as possible, but please keep in mind that I’m a noob concerning these topics.

Cascade Layers: First Contact

Earlier this week I learned about CSS Cascade Layers and now I’m all hyped up because I really like the concept. I’m eager to find out how we can use them to improve and rethink the architecture of our styles.

CSS Specificity Demo

I built an interactive demo to illustrate how specificity in CSS works.

Here’s what I didn’t know about :where()

This is part 4 of my series Here’s what I didn’t know about… in which I try to learn new things about CSS. This time I'm trying to find out what I didn’t know about the :where() pseudo-class.

A year in review: 2021

2021 was wild! That’s why I’ve decided to write an “A year in review” post for the first time.

Workshop: Deep Dive on Accessibility Testing

I’ve teamed up with my friends at Smashing Magazine 😻 to share with you everything I know about web accessibility testing! In this smashing workshop we’ll talk about automatic and manual testing, screen reader basics, Single Page Applications, Dev Tools, and more.

Element diversity

Did you know that there are 112 elements in HTML?!

Browser support: focus pseudo classes

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but that’s the current browser support for :focus-visible and :focus-within, and I love it!

My current HTML boilerplate

Every element I use for the basic structure of a HTML document, with explanations why.

Highlighting columns in HTML tables

The col element allows us to style columns in tables.