A blog about web development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web accessibility.

Blogging is one of the best ways of learning

I can’t stress enough how important it is to blog if you want to become better at web development. You learn so much more by explaining something in your own words than by just reading and copying & pasting.

Here’s what I didn’t know about “color”

This is part 2 of my series Here’s what I didn’t know about… in which I try to learn new things about CSS. This time I'm trying to find out what I didn’t know about the color property.

How many browsers do you know?

While testing a new feature recently, I realised that I don’t know too many browsers. I can list some, but I don‘t really know them like I know Firefox or Chrome. I want to change that, and I invite you to do the same.

Why 543 KB keep me up at night

The question how good good enough is and at which point a website is ready to go online is keeping me busy lately. The web is in bad shape and it’s because we’re making it too easy on ourselves. “It’s online and works in most browsers” is not enough - we have to be much more considerate of what we’re putting online.

Eines meiner Lieblingswerkzeuge für Barrierefreiheit-Checks: Die Tabulator-Taste.

Ich bin seit etwa einem Jahr angestellt und viele Dinge sind anders als bei meiner freiberuflichen Tätigkeit zuvor. Eine interessante Neuerung ist, dass ich regelmäßig die Zugänglichkeit von Tools Dritter bewerten muss. Dabei bleibt normalerweise keine Zeit für eine vollständige Prüfung, ich muss mir so schnell wie möglich einen guten Überblick über die Qualität eines Produkts verschaffen können.

One of my favourite accessibility testing tools: The Tab Key.

I’ve been employed for about a year now and many things are different compared to being a freelancer. One interesting thing in my specific situation is that I have to evaluate the accessibility of third-party tools regularly. Usually there’s no time for a full audit, I have to gain a good overview of the quality of a product as quickly as possible.

Reading recommendations: Animation on the web and vestibular disorders

It’s 7:25 a.m. and I’ve already learned so much. Actually, I just wanted to write a few paragraphs for an article about accessibility in CSS before I go to work, but I got caught up reading about animation on the web and vestibular disorders.

Here’s what I didn’t know about…

Recently, it feels like I see a property, a property value or a selector I haven’t heard about pop up every day. Often these things I learn aren’t even that new, which makes me wonder how much I don’t know about CSS.

Here’s what I didn’t know about list-style-type

At the CSS-in-Vienna meet-up last week Ulrich told me that starting with Chrome 79 it's possible to define a string value for the list-style-type property. I was surprised because I thought ::marker was supposed to solve that. That's why I did some research, here’s what I learned.

CSS pro tip for mac users: always show scroll bars in macOS.

I built a quite complicated component in HTML and CSS last week and I was happy with the result. After testing in different browsers and operating systems, I realised that I had to rewrite the whole thing because I didn’t consider that by default scroll bars don’t take up space on macOS, but on Windows they do.
I tweeted about a similar issue about a year ago, but it seems that I didn’t take my own advice, so here’s a reminder for you and me.