A blog about web development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web accessibility.

Day 96: the margin-trim property

The margin-trim property allows a container element to trim the margins of its children where they adjoin the container’s edges.

Day 95: the color-mix() function

The color-mix() function takes two colors and returns the result of mixing them, in a given color space, by a specified amount.

Day 94: the accent-color property

The accent-color CSS property allows us to specify the accent color for user-interface controls generated by an element.

Day 93: the lch() color function

The lch() color function allows you to pick colors from the CIELAB color space, which is device-independant and covers the entire gamut (range) of human color perception.

Day 92: relative color syntax

With the relative color syntax we can modify existing colors using color functions. If an origin color is specified, each color channel can either be directly specified, or taken from the origin color and modified.

Day 91: a previous sibling selector with :has()

I’ve already shown much appreciation for the :has() pseudo-class in this series, but that we can use it as a previous sibling selector tops it all of.

Day 90: scoped styles in container queries

Rules within a container query only apply to descendants of that container.

Day 89: higher-order custom properties

Style queries may change the way we write CSS significantly.

Day 88: CSS Motion Path

CSS Motion path allows you to position any graphical object and animate it along a specified path.

Day 87: mask properties

You can use mask properties to apply a mask to an element.