A blog about web development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web accessibility.

Web Components Accessibility FAQ

I specialize in HTML and CSS, but I also write JS. Especially in the last year or so, I wrote quite a lot of JavaScript because we decided to port the front end of one of my clients to web components.

When I first learned about web components, I had a lot of questions, especially regarding accessibility. While I found answers to many of them, I didn’t know everything I would’ve wanted to know. I wish I had a catalog of all the essential questions and answers when I started. That’s why I decided to design this post in a Q&A format. I’ll ask a question regarding the accessibility of web components, and then I’ll answer it.

New workshop: Advanced Modern CSS Masterclass

In my newest workshop I introduce you to the most useful modern features in CSS and show how you can implement them today in your code base to improve scalability, maintainability, and productivity.

Day 102: selecting the scoping root

There are different ways of selecting the scoping root inside a @scope rule.

Pros and cons of using Shadow DOM and style encapsulation

When I started to work with web components, I compared different options and decided to go with lit. I knew the extra performance cost would pay off quickly, and it fit into my performance budget. I’m still happy with my decision.

aria-haspopup and screen readers

I read Steve Faulkners “hasPopup hasPoop” where he mentions differences in what screen readers announce when dealing with the aria-haspopup attribute. I wanted to know how that manifests used on a button.

Visually hidden links with 0 dimensions

If you have used a visually-hidden class in the past, you might have noticed that the width and height is set to 1px and not 0. I’ve always wondered why.

O dialog focus, where art thou?

Here’s a job interview question for you: When you click a button and call the showModal() method to open a modal <dialog>, where does the focus go by default, and how can you move it elsewhere?

the article element and screen readers

I wanted to know how and if common screen readers expose the <article> element.
Here are my results:

the details element and in-page search

An important factor in terms of UX and accessibility for deciding whether the <details> element is the right solution for a problem is the find-in-page behaviour.

form and search landmarks

I wanted to know how well common screen readers and browsers support search and form landmarks. Here are my results: